

Christians Actively Reaching Everyone


I Peter 3:8

“Finally, be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of another, love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous:”


We meet the First Wednesday of each month @ 5:30 PM in the Family Life Center

Host-Reach:  Each month a free light meal is provided between 5:30 PM and 6:00 PM. From 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM we break into the following groups.

Heart-Reach: The Card Room: A group of people write cards for birthdays, get well soon, sympathy, words of encouragement to shut-ins, thinking of you/missing you, ministers and retired ministers, missionaries, those in the military and college students. We do have a template to use if needed.

Up-Reach: The Prayer Room: A group of people pray over the many different objects. These objects are kept confidential.

In-Reach: The Telephone Room: A group of people will do the calling to wish members in the church "Happy Birthday" or just to tell others that we have missed seeing them in church. If anyone called has special objects they would like us to pray for, these objects are giving to the Prayer Room.

Out-Reach: Several people will go in pairs to visit those who are: sick, shut-ins, at nursing homes, in the hospital, and recent visitors to the church that would like someone to visit them.

All areas are volunteer and you choose what you are most comfortable with doing. We also need kitchen help if you feel this is an area for you.

C.A.R.E. Ministry Directors


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