Our Mission
The mission of Skyland First Baptist Church, composed of baptized believers who share a personal commitment to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, is to be a redemptive body in Christ, praying that the Holy Spirit will grow us together in unity of purpose through worship, exalting the Lord Jesus in proclamation and witness, looking up in prayer, looking out in our large area of ministry, looking ahead with effective outreach.
JOY Club Trip Saturday April 5th
Come join our Seniors as we go out to eat together and see an Easter drama. Meet at the church at 4 PM on Saturday April 5th to carpool.
Children's Easter Party - Saturday April 12
There will be a Children's Easter Party on Saturday April 12th from 11 AM to 1 PM at the Family Life Center.
There will be a Easter story, pizza, crafts, and a Easter egg hunt. Come join all the fun!!
Car Cruise-in Saturday May 17 9-2 PM
Come out and bring your favorite vehicle for Fun and Fellowship and a free hotdog meal for lunch. No Charge.
Vacation Bible School - June 22-26
VBS True North - Trusting Jesus in a Wild World
June 22 through 26
SONshine Crafters Craft Show
Two craft shows this year
Saturday July 19 and Nov 1, 2025 9 AM to 2 PM
We have opening for vendors for both shows.